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POOR Magazine created this Guide-book to share often forgotten or silenced herstories and histories of struggles and resistance that came before all of us. To share skills on resisting and movement building with humility across race, class, cultures, genders, languages and generations. And finally, to inform resistance movements, occupations and decolonization sites across Turtle Island about struggles and resistance movements that are currently happening and ways that folks can plug in, connect, support and get involved with fights that have been raging on, largely unnoticed and sparcely attended for years in Amerikkka

Decolonizers Guide to a Humble Revolution

SKU: 0008
  • POOR News Network is a multi-media access project of POOR Magazine, dedicated to reframing the news, issue and solutions from low and no income communities, as well as providing society with a perspective usually not heard or seen within the mainstream media.

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