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Land Back! Land Back!

Black Land! Black Land!

Homelessness is a colonizer scam!

—Chant from the Stolen Land/Hoarded Resources UnTour Across Occupied Turtle Island


Everywhere across this stolen land, I hear the ancestors scream, I see occupied lies and violent settler propaganda and false-narrative-washing embodied in what I call KlanMarks, Plakkks, and MANuments. We are in a pivotal moment of LandBack and Black Land return where we can shift the anthroWrongological, arkkkeaological HIStories and arkkkives built and told and sold by enslavers, eugenicists, settlers, and land stealers to HERstories and truth, reparations and  HEALing for all of us together to rematriate and return hurting and extracted Mama Earth to original peoples. To unSell and unHoard our sacred mother, she who was never meant to be bought and sold, and return her in right relationship with ancestors and all of life.
— Tiny Gray-Garcia

On Mama Earth Day 2016, POOR Magazine/Homefulness, Sogorea Te’ Land Trust, and Krip-Hop Nation launched the Stolen Land/Hoarded Resources UnTour Across Occupied Turtle Island to expose and UnWiteWash the settler lies told and sold about all of this occupied Indigenous land, and to share the urgent medicine of poor people-led solutions of Radical Redistribution, Homefulness, LandBack movements and ComeUnity Reparations.

This book collects some of the KlanMarks, Plakkks, and MANuments uncovered on the first eight years of these prayerful journeys, and uplifts Black and Indigenous, poor, houseless, colonized, and false-bordered ResistanceMarks and liberation struggles across occupied Turtle Island and all of Mama Earth.

UnTourBook Across Occupied Turtle Island: Klanmarks, Manuments, and Plakkks

    • $5.00 Nationally
    • $10.00 Internationally
    • Free for poverty skolaz
  • If you can't afford the cover price, please email to request a free/sliding scale copy

© 2018 by PNN-KEXU-RADIO/TV/Prensa POBRE/ Decolonewz Poor & Indigenous People

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